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Towards Understanding the Quran
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 Surah Ar-Ra'd 13:8-18 [2/6]
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Verse Summary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
وَمَاand what
تَغِيضُfall short
ٱلْأَرْحَامُthe womb,
وَمَاand what
تَزْدَادُ‌ۖthey exceed.
وَكُلُّAnd every
عِندَهُۥwith Him
بِمِقْدَارٍ(is) in due proportion.
ٱلْغَيْبِ(of) the unseen
وَٱلشَّهَـٰدَةِand the witnessed,
ٱلْكَبِيرُthe Most Great,
ٱلْمُتَعَالِthe Most High.
سَوَآءٌ(It is) same (to Him)
مِّنكُم[of you]
مَّنْ(one) who
ٱلْقَوْلَthe speech
وَمَنor (one) who
جَهَرَ بِهِۦpublicizes it
وَمَنْand (one) who
مُسْتَخْفِۭ(is) hidden
بِٱلَّيْلِby night
وَسَارِبُۢor goes freely
بِٱلنَّهَارِby day.
لَهُۥFor him
مُعَقِّبَـٰتٌ(are) successive (Angels)
مِّنۢ بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِbefore him
وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِۦand behind him,
يَحْفَظُونَهُۥwho guard him
أَمْرِ ٱللَّهِ‌ۗ(the) Command of Allah.
لَا(does) not
مَا بِقَوْمٍthe condition of a people,
يُغَيِّرُواْthey change
بِأَنفُسِهِمْ‌ۗ(is) in themselves.
وَإِذَآAnd when
أَرَادَ ٱللَّهُAllah wills
بِقَوْمٍfor a people
فَلَاthen (there is) no
مَرَدَّturning away
لَهُۥ‌ۚof it,
وَمَاand not
لَهُمfor them
مِّن دُونِهِۦbesides Him
ٱلَّذِى(is) the One Who
يُرِيكُمُshows you
ٱلْبَرْقَthe lightning,
خَوْفًاa fear
وَطَمَعًاand a hope
وَيُنشِئُand brings up
ٱلسَّحَابَ ٱلثِّقَالَthe heavy clouds.
وَيُسَبِّحُAnd glorifies
ٱلرَّعْدُthe thunder
بِحَمْدِهِۦ[with] His praise
وَٱلْمَلَـٰٓئِكَةُand the Angels
خِيفَتِهِۦfear of Him.
وَيُرْسِلُAnd He sends
ٱلصَّوَٲعِقَthe thunderbolts
فَيُصِيبُand strikes
بِهَاwith it
يَشَآءُHe wills,
وَهُمْyet they
وَهُوَAnd He
شَدِيدُ(is) Mighty
ٱلْمِحَالِ(in) Strength.
لَهُۥTo Him
دَعْوَةُ(is) supplication
ٱلْحَقِّ‌ۖ(of) the truth.
وَٱلَّذِينَAnd those whom
يَدْعُونَthey invoke
مِن دُونِهِۦbesides Him
يَسْتَجِيبُونَthey respond
لَهُمto them
بِشَىْءٍwith a thing
كَبَـٰسِطِlike one who stretches
كَفَّيْهِhis hands
لِيَبْلُغَto reach
فَاهُhis mouth,
وَمَاbut not
بِبَـٰلِغِهِۦ‌ۚreaches it.
وَمَاAnd not
دُعَآءُ(is) the supplication
ٱلْكَـٰفِرِينَ(of) the disbelievers
وَلِلَّهِAnd to Allah
فِى(is) in
ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٲتِthe heavens
وَٱلْأَرْضِand the earth,
وَكَرْهًاor unwillingly,
وَظِلَـٰلُهُمand (so do) their shadows
بِٱلْغُدُوِّin the mornings
وَٱلْأَصَالِ ۩and in the afternoons.
رَّبُّ(is) the Lord
ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٲتِ(of) the heavens
وَٱلْأَرْضِand the earth?"
أَفَٱتَّخَذْتُم"Have you then taken
مِّن دُونِهِۦٓbesides Him,
يَمْلِكُونَthey have power
لِأَنفُسِهِمْfor themselves
نَفْعًا(to) benefit
وَلَاand not
ضَرًّا‌ۚ(to) harm?"
ٱلْأَعْمَىٰthe blind
وَٱلْبَصِيرُand the seeing?
ٱلظُّلُمَـٰتُthe darkness[es]
وَٱلنُّورُ‌ۗand the light?
جَعَلُواْthey attribute
لِلَّهِto Allah
خَلَقُواْwho created
كَخَلْقِهِۦlike His creation,
فَتَشَـٰبَهَso that seemed alike
ٱلْخَلْقُthe creation
عَلَيْهِمْ‌ۚto them?"
خَـٰلِقُ(is) the Creator
كُلِّof all
وَهُوَand He
ٱلْوَٲحِدُ(is) the One
ٱلْقَهَّـٰرُthe Irresistible."
أَنزَلَHe sends down
ٱلسَّمَآءِthe sky
فَسَالَتْand flows
أَوْدِيَةُۢthe valleys
بِقَدَرِهَاaccording to their measure,
فَٱحْتَمَلَand carries
ٱلسَّيْلُthe torrent
زَبَدًاa foam
وَمِمَّاAnd from what
يُوقِدُونَthey heat
عَلَيْهِ[on] it
ٱلنَّارِthe fire
ٱبْتِغَآءَin order to make
زَبَدٌa foam
مِّثْلُهُۥ‌ۚlike it.
يَضْرِبُ ٱللَّهُAllah sets forth
ٱلْحَقَّthe truth
وَٱلْبَـٰطِلَ‌ۚand the falsehood.
فَأَمَّاThen as for
ٱلزَّبَدُthe foam
فَيَذْهَبُit passes away
جُفَآءً‌ۖ(as) scum,
وَأَمَّاand as for
ٱلنَّاسَthe mankind,
ٱلْأَرْضِ‌ۚthe earth.
يَضْرِبُ ٱللَّهُAllah sets forth
ٱلْأَمْثَالَthe examples.
لِلَّذِينَFor those who
لِرَبِّهِمُto their Lord
ٱلْحُسْنَىٰ‌ۚ(is) the bliss.
وَٱلَّذِينَAnd for those who
لَمْ(did) not
لَهُۥto Him,
لَهُمthey had
فِى(is) in
ٱلْأَرْضِthe earth
وَمِثْلَهُۥand like of it
مَعَهُۥwith it,
لَٱفْتَدَوْاْsurely they would offer ransom
بِهِۦٓ‌ۚwith it.
لَهُمْfor them
سُوٓءُ(is) a terrible
وَمَأْوَٮٰهُمْand their abode
جَهَنَّمُ‌ۖ(is) Hell,
وَبِئْسَand wretched
ٱلْمِهَادُ(is) the resting place.

اَللّٰهُ يَعۡلَمُ مَا تَحۡمِلُ كُلُّ اُنۡثٰى وَمَا تَغِيۡضُ الۡاَرۡحَامُ وَمَا تَزۡدَادُ ​ؕ وَكُلُّ شَىۡءٍ عِنۡدَهٗ بِمِقۡدَارٍ‏  عٰلِمُ الۡغَيۡبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ الۡكَبِيۡرُ الۡمُتَعَالِ‏  سَوَآءٌ مِّنۡكُمۡ مَّنۡ اَسَرَّ الۡقَوۡلَ وَ مَنۡ جَهَرَ بِهٖ وَمَنۡ هُوَ مُسۡتَخۡفٍۢ بِالَّيۡلِ وَسَارِبٌۢ بِالنَّهَارِ‏  لَهٗ مُعَقِّبٰتٌ مِّنۡۢ بَيۡنِ يَدَيۡهِ وَمِنۡ خَلۡفِهٖ يَحۡفَظُوۡنَهٗ مِنۡ اَمۡرِ اللّٰهِ​ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوۡمٍ حَتّٰى يُغَيِّرُوۡا مَا بِاَنۡفُسِهِمۡ​ؕ وَاِذَاۤ اَرَادَ اللّٰهُ بِقَوۡمٍ سُوۡۤءًا فَلَا مَرَدَّ لَهٗ​ۚ وَمَا لَهُمۡ مِّنۡ دُوۡنِهٖ مِنۡ وَّالٍ‏  هُوَ الَّذِىۡ يُرِيۡكُمُ الۡبَرۡقَ خَوۡفًا وَّطَمَعًا وَّيُنۡشِئُ السَّحَابَ الثِّقَالَ​ۚ‏  ​وَيُسَبِّحُ الرَّعۡدُ بِحَمۡدِهٖ وَالۡمَلٰۤـئِكَةُ مِنۡ خِيۡفَتِهٖ ​ۚ وَيُرۡسِلُ الصَّوَاعِقَ فَيُصِيۡبُ بِهَا مَنۡ يَّشَآءُ وَهُمۡ يُجَادِلُوۡنَ فِى اللّٰه​ۚ ِ وَهُوَ شَدِيۡدُ الۡمِحَالِؕ‏  لَهٗ دَعۡوَةُ الۡحَـقِّ​ؕ وَالَّذِيۡنَ يَدۡعُوۡنَ مِنۡ دُوۡنِهٖ لَا يَسۡتَجِيۡبُوۡنَ لَهُمۡ بِشَىۡءٍ اِلَّا كَبَاسِطِ كَفَّيۡهِ اِلَى الۡمَآءِ لِيَبۡلُغَ فَاهُ وَمَا هُوَ بِبَالِـغِهٖ​ؕ وَمَا دُعَآءُ الۡكٰفِرِيۡنَ اِلَّا فِىۡ ضَلٰلٍ‏  وَلِلّٰهِ يَسۡجُدُ مَنۡ فِى السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضِ طَوۡعًا وَّكَرۡهًا وَّظِلٰلُهُمۡ بِالۡغُدُوِّ وَالۡاٰصَالِ ۩‏  قُلۡ مَنۡ رَّبُّ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضِؕ قُلِ اللّٰهُ​ؕ قُلۡ اَفَاتَّخَذۡتُمۡ مِّنۡ دُوۡنِهٖۤ اَوۡلِيَآءَ لَا يَمۡلِكُوۡنَ لِاَنۡفُسِهِمۡ نَفۡعًا وَّلَا ضَرًّا​ؕ قُلۡ هَلۡ يَسۡتَوِى الۡاَعۡمٰى وَالۡبَصِيۡرُ ۙ اَمۡ هَلۡ تَسۡتَوِى الظُّلُمٰتُ وَالنُّوۡرُ ۚ اَمۡ جَعَلُوۡا لِلّٰهِ شُرَكَآءَ خَلَقُوۡا كَخَلۡقِهٖ فَتَشَابَهَ الۡخَـلۡقُ عَلَيۡهِمۡ​ؕ قُلِ اللّٰهُ خَالِـقُ كُلِّ شَىۡءٍ وَّهُوَ الۡوَاحِدُ الۡقَهَّارُ‏   اَنۡزَلَ مِنَ السَّمَآءِ مَآءً فَسَالَتۡ اَوۡدِيَةٌۢ بِقَدَرِهَا فَاحۡتَمَلَ السَّيۡلُ زَبَدًا رَّابِيًا​ ؕ وَمِمَّا يُوۡقِدُوۡنَ عَلَيۡهِ فِى النَّارِ ابۡتِغَآءَ حِلۡيَةٍ اَوۡ مَتَاعٍ زَبَدٌ مِّثۡلُهٗ​ ؕ كَذٰلِكَ يَضۡرِبُ اللّٰهُ الۡحَـقَّ وَالۡبَاطِلَ ؕ  فَاَمَّا الزَّبَدُ فَيَذۡهَبُ جُفَآءً​​ ۚ وَاَمَّا مَا يَنۡفَعُ النَّاسَ فَيَمۡكُثُ فِى الۡاَرۡضِ​ؕ كَذٰلِكَ يَضۡرِبُ اللّٰهُ الۡاَمۡثَالَؕ‏  لِلَّذِيۡنَ اسۡتَجَابُوۡا لِرَبِّهِمُ الۡحُسۡنٰى​ؕ وَالَّذِيۡنَ لَمۡ يَسۡتَجِيۡبُوۡا لَهٗ لَوۡ اَنَّ لَهُمۡ مَّا فِى الۡاَرۡضِ جَمِيۡعًا وَّمِثۡلَهٗ مَعَهٗ لَافۡتَدَوۡا بِهٖؕ اُولٰۤـئِكَ لَهُمۡ سُوۡۤءُ الۡحِسَابِ ۙ وَمَاۡوٰٮهُمۡ جَهَـنَّمُ​ؕ وَبِئۡسَ الۡمِهَادُ‏ 

(13:8) Allah knows what every female bears; and what the wombs fall short of (in gestation), and what they may add.17 With Him everything is in a fixed measure. (13:9) He knows both what is hidden and what is manifest. He is the Supreme One, the Most High. (13:10) It is all the same for Him whether any of you says a thing secretly, or says it loudly, and whether one hides oneself in the darkness of night, or struts about in broad daylight. (13:11) There are guardians over everyone, both before him and behind him, who guard him by Allah's command.18 Verily Allah does not change a people's condition unless they change their inner selves. And when Allah decides to make a people suffer punishment, no one can avert it. Nor can any be of help to such a people against Allah.19 (13:12) He it is Who causes you to see lightning that inspires you with both fear and hope, and He it is Who whips up heavy clouds. (13:13) The thunder celebrates His praise and holiness,20 and the angels, too, celebrate His praise for awe of Him.21 He hurls thunderbolts, striking with them whom He wills while they are engaged in disputation concerning Allah. He is Mighty in His contriving.22 (13:14) To Him alone should all prayer be addressed,23 for those to whom they do address their prayers beside Him are altogether powerless to respond to them. The example of praying to any other than Allah is that of a man who stretches out his hands to water, asking it to reach his mouth, although water has no power to reach his mouth. The prayers of the unbelievers are a sheer waste. (13:15) All that is in the heavens and the earth prostrates itself, whether willingly or by force,24 before Allah; and so do their shadows in the morning and in the evening.25 (13:16) Ask them: "Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?" Say: "Allah."26 Tell them: "Have you taken beside Him as your patrons those who do not have the power to benefit or to hurt even themselves?" Say: "Can the blind and the seeing be deemed equals?27 Or can light and darkness be deemed equals?"28 If that is not so, then have those whom they associate with Allah in His Divinity ever created anything like what Allah did so that the question of creation has become dubious to them?29 Say: "Allah is the creator of everything. He is the One, the Irresistible."30 (13:17) Allah sends down water from the heavens and the river-beds flow, each according to its measure, and the torrent carries along a swelling scum.31 In like manner, from that metal which they smelt in the fire to make ornaments and utensils,32 there arises scum like it. Thus does Allah depict truth and falsehood. As for the scum, it passes away as dross; but that which benefits mankind abides on the earth. Thus does Allah explain (the truth) through examples. (13:18) There is good reward for those who respond to the call of their Lord. And those who do not respond to their Lord, (a time will come when) they shall offer all they have - even if they have all the riches of the world and the like of it besides to redeem themselves (from the chastisement of Allah).33 They will be subjected to a severe reckoning34 and Hell shall be their refuge. What a wretched resting place it is!


17. When amplified the verse will mean: Allah remains fully aware of all the developments that take place in the child while in its mother’s womb, and He watches over the decrease or increase in each of its limbs, and its potentialities, capabilities and powers.

18. That is, Allah not only directly watches over whatever each person does, and is fully aware of everything he does, but He has also appointed such guardians as accompany him everywhere and keep a full record of all his deeds. This has been stated here to warn those people who live their lives under the delusion that they have been left absolutely free to do whatever they like and shall not be required to render an account of what they did in this worldly life. The warning is that such people invite their own retribution.

19. This is to warn them further that they should not remain under any delusion that some holy person or saint or angel has the power to rescue them from divine retribution, for there is none who could defend them against Allah, even though they might have been paying homage and making offerings to their so called patrons and protectors in the hope that they would rescue them from punishment from Allah on the Day of Judgment.

20. The thunder is a proclamation of Tauhid for those who have ears to hear the real meaning of its loud noise which follows the flash of lightning, though it is merely a kind of noise for those who hear it like animals. For it proclaims that Allah Who raises clouds from the oceans and carries them wherever He wills, and makes the lightning flash from the clouds and then turns them into rain so as to supply water to the dwellers of the earth, is perfect and worthy of all praise, is All-Wise and All-Powerful and is flawless in every respect and has do partner whatsoever.

21. The mention of the fact that the angels are filled with awe of their Lord, and they proclaim His praise has a special significance here. This is to refute the shirk of the ignorant people who have always worshiped the angels as gods and deities and believed them to be partners with God in His Godhead. It has been stated that they are not partners with Allah but His most obedient servants; so much so that they praise Him and are filled with awe of Him.

22. He has countless plans and measures which are so effective and sudden that He can smite anyone with any one of them from any side He wills. So much so that the intended victim is absolutely unaware of it. This is a proof that those people, who say absurd things about such All- Powerful Being, are absolutely void of sense.

23. “For Him is the supplication of truth,” for Allah alone has the power and the authority to give help and remove difficulties.

24. “And to Allah falls in prostration whoever is in the heavens and the earth” in the same sense that every creation of His has to obey and submit to His Physical law in every detail. The only difference between the submission of a believer and an unbeliever is that the former submits to it with a willing heart while the latter is forced to do so against his will, for it is absolutely beyond his power to oppose it.

25. “Their shadows” in the sense that they fall to the west in the morning and to the cast in the evening and so on. This shows that they, too, have to submit to some law.

26. It will be worthwhile to note that though the question, “Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?” was put to the disbelievers, Allah told the Prophet (peace be upon him) to answer it himself and say, “Allah”. This was because the disbelievers hesitated to answer it one way or the other. They could not say that it was not Allah for they themselves believed that Allah was the Creator of everything. On the other hand, they could not acknowledge this fact in so many words in answer to such question. For, they would then have to acknowledge the doctrine of Tauhid. Then no basis could have been left in favor of shirk. As they realized their weak position, they would not give any answer to such questions. That is why Allah asks His Messenger (peace be upon him) to put such questions to the disbelievers: “Who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth? Who is the Lord of the Universe? Who sustains you with provisions of life?” When they do not give any answer to such questions, Allah asks His Messenger (peace be upon him) to say “Allah” in answer. He then proceeds on with this argument: When Allah does all these things, how do the deities you worship come in?

27. The blind man is the person who cannot see any of the countless signs of the Oneness of Allah, though these lie spread over before him in the universe. On the other hand, the seeing man is the person who can see in every particle of the universe and in every leaf of grass and tree signs pointing to their Creator. Thus the question that has been posed means: O disbelievers, if you are blind to the signs, why should the one who can see the signs should behave like a blind man and stumble along like you?

28. Here “light” means the light of the knowledge of the truth which the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his followers possessed. In contrast to this, there was the “darkness” of ignorance in which the disbelievers were wandering about. The question that has been posed means to ask this: Why should those, who have received the light, extinguish it and wander about in the darkness like you? Well, if you do not know the worth of the light, you may choose to wander in the darkness. But how can you expect the one who has received the light and who appreciates the difference between the light and the darkness, and who is seeing the right way as if in broad daylight, to leave the light and wander about in the darkness?

29. The question is intended to impress on the disbelievers that there is absolutely no reason why they should practice shirk. When they themselves admit that their gods did not create even an iota in the universe and that they do not have even the smallest and most insignificant share in the creation, there remains no ground for them to cherish any doubts about it. Why should, then, their false gods and deities share the rights and powers of the Real Creator?

30. The Arabic word Qahhar literally means “The one who rules over all by virtue of His own power, and keeps all under His complete control.”

This fact that He is “the One, the Prevailing” follows naturally from the preceding fact that “Allah is the Creator of all things” for this fact was also acknowledged by the mushriks and was never denied by them. This is so because the Creator of everything should logically be Unique, and every other thing or being must necessarily be His creation. Therefore nothing could be the equal of the Creator or partner in His Being, attributes, powers and rights. Likewise, the Creator must have complete power and control over His Creation.

For, it can never be imagined that the Creator would create anything over which He has not full control. Therefore, the one who acknowledges Allah to be the Creator must also acknowledge Him to be the Unique and the All-Powerful. After this, there remains no reason why one should worship anyone other than the Creator or invoke someone else for help in resolving his difficulties and fulfilling his needs.

31. In this simile the knowledge which had been sent down by Allah to the Prophet (peace be upon him) has been likened to the rain from the sky, and the believers to the streams, rivulets and rivers. Just as the streams etc. fill themselves with rain water, each according to its capacity, so his followers gained knowledge from him, each according to his ability. On the other hand, the hue and cry that was raised by the opponents of the Islamic movement has been likened to the swelling foam etc. that begins to dance about on the surface of flood water, but soon vanishes away.

32. As it is but natural that scum should appear on the surface when ornaments are heated in the furnace for purification, likewise bad people would come to the surface and take prominent part in persecuting the good people who are passed through the furnace of persecution for their purification.

33. This shows that the disbelievers would be in such a sad plight that they would not hesitate to give their all for their redemption.

34. “Those will have the worst reckoning”: they shall have to bear the full consequences of their evil deeds. No sin, no shortcoming, in short, nothing will be forgiven and no evil shall go unpunished.

We learn from the Quran that the rebels of Allah shall have to render a reckoning, whereas there shall be a light reckoning from those who have been faithful and obedient to their Lord. In consideration of their loyal services, their cases will be dealt with leniently, and taking their general goodness into account many of their shortcomings will be forgiven.

This is further amplified by a tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Aishah relates: I said, O Messenger of Allah, the most dreadful verse of the Quran is this: “Whoso shall commit an evil, he shall be punished for it. (Surah An- Nisa, Ayat 123).” The Prophet answered: O Aishah, don’t you know how Allah clears the accounts of His faithful and obedient servant. Whatever harm or trouble he receives in this world, even so much as the pricking of a thorn, is taken by Allah as atonement for one or the other of his sins. As regards to the Hereafter, everyone who shall be called upon to render an account of any sin, shall be punished for it. At this Aishah asked: Then what is meant by light reckoning in this verse: Whoso shall be given his “Book of Deeds” in his right hand, he will render a light reckoning? (Surah Al- Inshiqaq, Ayats 7-8). The Prophet (peace be upon him) answered: This means merely the presentation of his whole conduct, that is, all his deeds, good and bad, shall be presented before Allah but he shall not be called upon to clear the account of all his deeds; for the one who shall be called upon to clear the whole of his account, shall be totally ruined.

The same thing is happening even in this world. A master deals very leniently with his faithful and obedient servant and connives at his minor faults and even forgives his major faults in consideration of his meritorious services. On the other hand, if a servant is proved to be treacherous and dishonest, no consideration is given even to his services, and he is punished both for his minor and for major faults.