1. The Miqats

1. The Miqats

1. Details
2. Proof
3. Jurisprudence
4. Forbidden Acts
5. Time for Ihram

1. The Miqats 1. Details

Temporal Miqats [Fixed Times] - From the beginning of Shawwal to the tenth of Dhul-Hijjah.

Location of the Routes [A`lam] Leading to the Sanctuary

Al-Tan`im : It is 6 kilometers away from Mecca in the way to Medina.

Wadi Nakhlah : It is 41 kilometers away from Mecca in the north-east towards Iraq.

Al-Ju`ranah : It is 16 kilometers east of Mecca.

Adah : It is 12 kilometers away from Mecca in the way to Yemen.

Al-Hudaibiah : It is 15 kilometers away from Mecca to the west of Jeddah route. Now, it is called Al-Shumaisi.

The Arabic word "A`lam" refers to the smartly carved stones of about one meter high along all the previous routes.

Locational Miqats [Fixed Places] : These Miqats [fixed places for putting on Ihram] are stated by the Prophet (peace be upon him). Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) specified Dhul-Hulaifah for the people of Medina; Juhfah for the people of Syria; Qarn Al-Manazil for the people of Najd; Yalamlam for the people of Yemen (as Miqats). Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) then said, "These (Miqats) are meant for people living at these (places) as well as for others who pass by them on their way to perform Hajj or 'Umrah. People living within these boundaries, should enter upon the state of Ihram at these very places. But people living in the suburbs of Mecca or within Mecca, should enter upon the state of Ihram from within Mecca."
There is an agreement among scholars regarding these places.

Al-Juhfah : It is the locational Miqat [place of Ihram] specified for the people Egypt, Syria and countries farther to them.

Dhul-Hulaifah: It is the locational Miqat [place of Ihram] specified for the people of Medina. It is a water place for Banu Jathm. It is the farthest Miqat, for it is 450 kilometers from Mecca. Camels used to take 9 days to cover the distance from Abyar `Ali to Mecca, making 50-kilometer march a day (4 kilometers per hour). The Arabs used to call each 4 kilometers "a stage".

Qarn Al-Manazil : It is a mountain near `Arafah. It is the place of putting on Ihram for the people of Al-Ta'if and those farther to them.

Dhat `Irq : It is so called because it has a mountain called "`Irq" close to the Valley of Al-`Aqiq. It is a village 94 kilometers to the north-east of Mecca. Despite the fact that this Miqat is not fixed by the Prophet (peace be upon him), scholars have unanimously agreed on it.

Yalamlam : It is a mountain in Tuhamah located two stages (8 kilometers) away from Mecca. It is the Miqat for those coming from Yemen.

1. The Miqats 2. Proof

1. Allah, the Almighty, says, "And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men; they will come to thee on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways."

2. Allah, the Almighty, says, " Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey."

3. Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported:

Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) specified:

* Dhul-Hulaifah for the people of Medina.

* Juhfah for the people of Syria.

* Qarn Al-Manazil for the people of Najd.

* Yalamlam for the people of Yemen. He (the Prophet) added," Those (Mawaqit) are also meant for those who live at these (places) and for those too who come from without towards them for the sake of Hajj or 'Umrah."

4. Allah, the Almighty, says, "For Hajj are the months well-known. If any one undertakes that duty therein, let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj."

5. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever wills to enter in the state of Ihram for Hajj and `Umrah, let him do so. Whoever wills to enter in the state of Ihram for Hajj only, let him do so. Whoever wills to enter in the state of Ihram for `Umrah only, let him do so."

1. The Miqats 3. Jurisprudence
1. Performing Ihram at the appointed time and place Necessary Necessary Necessary Necessary
2. Bathing before entering Mecca  Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory
3. Intention for Ihram  Requisite Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental
4. Entering Mecca at daytime from Al-Thaniyah Al-`Ulya Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory
5. Starting at the Sacred Mosque Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory
6. Cleaning oneself for Ihram Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory
7. Bathing for Ihram Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory
8. Entering from Banu Shaibah Gate Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory
9. Applying perfume for Ihram  Supererogatory but disapproved with whatever leaving a trace Supererogatory but disapproved with whatever leaving a trace Supererogatory Supererogatory
10. Arrival Circumambulation  Supererogatory Necessary Supererogatory Supererogatory
11. Performing two rak `ahs before Ihram  Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory
12. Wearing a wrapper and gown  Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory
13. Combining Ihram and Talbiah  Requisite Necessary Supererogatory Supererogatory
14. Saying Talbiah after Ihram  Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory
15. Saying Talbiah with its exact wording Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory
16. Raising one's voice in Talbiah without overexertion  Supererogatory A moderate voice is desirable  Supererogatory Supererogatory
17. Frequent repetition of Talbiah after prescribed Prayer and whenever converting to a new state  Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory Supererogatory
18. Saying Talbiah in native tongue by Arabic speakers Valid Not Valid Not Valid Not Valid
19. Saying Talbiah in native tongue by non-Arabic speakers Valid Valid Valid Valid

1. The Miqats 4. Forbidden Acts
1. Wearing the sewed clothes for less than a day or a night It is obligatory upon him to offer a charity Nothing required Nothing required Nothing required
2. Wearing the sewed clothes for a day or a night It is obligatory upon him to offer a charity A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required
3. Wearing mules for an excuse A redemption is required Nothing required Nothing required Nothing required
4. Entering into the state of Ihram for Hajj, but being prevented thereof A ewe is required Nothing required A ewe is required A ewe is required
5. Dyeing using Henna A redemption is required Nothing required Nothing required Nothing required
6. Neglect of entering into the state of Ihram at the Miqat and then returning while pronouncing Talbiah Nothing required A ewe is required Nothing required A ewe is required
7. Neglect of joining Ihram with Talbiah A ewe is required A ewe is required Nothing required Nothing required
8. Perfuming a part of a limb It is obligatory upon him to offer a charity A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required
9. Perfuming a whole part of the body for an excuse A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required
10. Perfuming a whole member of the body without an excuse A ewe is required A ewe is required A ewe is required A ewe is required
11. Trimming one's fingernails for an excuse A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required
12. Trimming one's fingernails without any excuse A ewe is required A ewe is required A ewe is required A ewe is required
13. Shaving the hair of the body A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required
14. Having the head's hair cut for an excuse A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required
15. Having the head's hair cut without any excuse A ewe is required A ewe is required A redemption is required A ewe is required
16. Covering one's face It is obligatory upon him to offer a charity Nothing required Nothing required Nothing required
17. Covering one's head A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required A redemption is required
18. Hunting the land games A compensation is required A compensation is required A compensation is required A compensation is required
19. Cutting off plants grown by no one The value Nothing required The value The value
20. Cutting off a small tree planted by no one The value Nothing required A ewe is required A ewe is required
21. Cutting off a big tree planted by no one The value Nothing required A she-camel is required A she-camel is required
22. Trimming only one fingernail A Mud of food A Mud of food A Mud of food A Mud of food
23. Cutting the hair of one having put off his Ihram by another still is in a state of Ihram with his permission It is obligatory upon him to offer a charity Nothing required Nothing required Nothing required
24. Cutting the hair of one still in the state of Ihram by another who is also in a state of Ihram without his permission A redemption is obligatory upon the one whose hair has been shaved A redemption is obligatory upon the one who shaves A redemption is obligatory upon the one who shaves another's hair A redemption is obligatory upon the one who shaves another's hair

1. The Miqats 5. Time for Ihram

From the 1st of Shawaal to the dawn of the Day of Sacrifice, the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah.

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