Tafheem ul Quran

Surah 28 Al-Qasas, Ayat 34-34

وَاَخِىۡ هٰرُوۡنُ هُوَ اَفۡصَحُ مِنِّىۡ لِسَانًا فَاَرۡسِلۡهُ مَعِىَ رِدۡاً يُّصَدِّقُنِىۡٓ​ اِنِّىۡۤ اَخَافُ اَنۡ يُّكَذِّبُوۡنِ‏ ﴿28:34﴾

(28:34) My brother Aaron is more eloquent in speech than I: so send him with me as a helper to confirm my truthfulness for I fear that they will reject me as a liar."
