Tafheem ul Quran

Surah 15 Al-Hijr

Verse [Section]: 1-15[1], 16-25[2], 26-44[3], 45-60[4], 61-79[5], 80-99[6]

Ayat Themes of Surah 15. Al-Hijr

1-1 Al-Quran is the Divine Book

2-15 On the Day of Judgement, the unbelievers will wish that they were Muslims and Allah Himself has taken the responsibility of preserving Al-Quran

16-25 Allah created and decorated the heavens and also created everything suitable for human life on earth

26-44 Story of Adam's creation; prostration of the angels before him and the refusal of Shaitan to prostrate and Shaitan and his followers are destined for hell

45-50 The righteous will be awarded paradise

51-60 Prophet Ibrahim is given the good news of a son by two angels

61-79 The same angels came to Prophet Lut and executed Allah's decree of stoning to death the nation of homosexuals

80-86 Punishment to the people of Hijr for their disbelief

87-99 Al-Fatiha is also called, "Seven verses worthy of oft-recitation" And Proclaim the commandments of Allah publicly and turn away from the Mushrikin